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This covers details about the gesture that triggers this action card.





This is the gesture that triggers this action card.


Leap Motion Controller Gestures

Circle Clockwise

Circle Counter-clockwise

Swipe Left

Swipe Right

Swipe Up

Swipe Down


Trigger Duration

This is the number of seconds that the gesture must be maintained before the action card is triggered.  If this time is not met, the action card is not triggered.


Trigger Hand

For the Leap Motion Controller, this specifies the hand that must perform the gesture.  Choose from Left, Right or Any.



For the Leap Motion Controller, this specifies the number of fingers that must perform the gesture.  This can be a range of fingers.  For example, it could be "1-2" fingers.  Or it could be 5-5 fingers, which is the same as 5 fingers required.



The mode determines how the action card turns on and off. Choose from the following modes:


oNormal - Activate it once.  Deactivate it by turning on another card in its group.

oRe-trigger - Activate it over and over again.

oToggle - Activate it and then when the gesture is performed again, deactivate it and keep toggling back and forth between on and off.


Min Length

This is the minimum time in seconds that the action card must stay active.  Once a card in a group is activated, its Min Length time has to pass before another card is activated.